Triplet SF (3 Way Herbicide) (1 Gallon)
Triplet SF is an excellent post-emergent broadleaf herbicide in a liquid formulation. The combination of the three active ingredients, including dicamba, allow for selective control of broadleaf weeds in labeled turfgrass species. Triplet SF is perfect for control of hard-to-kill broadleaf weeds, such as dandelion, clover, henbit, and plantains in turfgrasses.
- Labeled for sod farm usage
- Combination of three powerful selective herbicides
- Effective control of a variety of broadleaf weeds
- Flexibility - higher rates for problem areas, lower rates for turf maintenance
- Ideal for cool or warm season turf
- Get the Optical Advantage - MCPP-p is environmentally responsible
- Same active ingredient as Trimec 992
Weeds Controlled:
- Bedstraw
- Black medic
- Buckhorn
- Burdock
- Chicory
- Chickweed
- Clover
- Dandelion
- Dock
- Ground ivy
- Healall
- Henbit
- Knotweed
- Lambsquarters
- Lespedeza
- Mallow
- Morningglory
- Peppergrass
- Pigweed
- Plantain
- Poison ivy
- Poison oak
- Purslane
- Ragweed
- Sheep sorrel
- Shepherd’s-purse
- Speedwell
- Spurge
- Wild carrot
- Wild garlic
- Wild lettuce
- Wild onion
- and other broadleaf weeds
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