Gopher Scram Professional Repellent
Most repellent labels to repel gophers use only one active ingredient, Castor Oil, in a low concentration which works slowly and has only limited effect on gopher behavior. Gopher Scram is a proprietary blend of all natural ingredients specifically designed to reduce and eliminate gopher activity with both bad smell and taste. This unique formula was designed and tested to stop and then prevent gopher dame. It effectively protects lawns and gardens while leaving them safe from family and pets.
Gopher Scram Professional is the only one specifically formulated just for pocket gophers. Its easily spread over infested areas. It repels gophers and alters their environment in two ways. Food tasted bad and their digestive system is disturbed. Also, tunnels and surrounding soil become bad-smelling to the gophers.
- Professional grade high performance product proven to work
- Easy to use - just sprinkle, no spraying
- Best to use during growing season
- Lasts for a full 30 day cycle
- All natural product - DOES NOT HARM ANIMALS
- Labeled for organic gardening
- No poisons or traps that kill
- 22 LB container will provide approximately 13,750 square feet of coverage
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