Dimension 2EW Crabgrass Herbicide

Dow AgroSciences SKU: 143

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$709.50 $750.00 Save $40.50

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Dimension 2EW Crabgrass Herbicide

Dimension® 2EW specialty herbicide provides preemergence and early postemergence control of crabgrass, and season-long control of crabgrass, goosegrass, foxtail, spurge and Poa annua. Dimension 2EW can be used over the top of field- and container-grown nursery and landscape ornamentals, and in established lawns, golf course fairways, roughs and tee boxes, and commercial sod farms.

  • Excellent preemergence and early-postemergence control of crabgrass
  • Season-long control of other grasses and broadleaf weeds
  • Non-staining
  • Low odor
  • Active ingredient = dithiopyr
  • May be applied with single or split application
  • Will control or suppress more than 40 different annual grassy and broadleaf weeds when applied according to label directions
  • Dimension 2EW crabgrass herbicide easily mixes in spray tanks and is available in ½ gallon and 2 ½ gallon containers
  • Can be mixed with Gallery® specialty herbicide for a broader preemergence combination

    Weeds controlled (but not limited to) include:

    • Annual Bluegrass (Poa Annua)
    • Barnyardgrass
    • Chickweed
    • Crabrass (Technical Sheet)
    • Goosegrass
    • Kikuyugrass
    • Oxalis
    • Spurge

    **Please refer to the label for questions specific to this product.**

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