A HomeOwner's Guide to Fungus Control in Tall Fescue

A HomeOwner's Guide to Fungus Control in Tall Fescue

Samuel Barrick

Do you fight disease in your lawn? Disease are common throughout the summer and some in the winter as moisture and temperatures play a huge part in disease pressure. Warm nights and evening rain is the biggest contributor to brown patch in tall fescue. Prolonged exposure to moisture (at least 14 hours) with 60°F to 80°F weather is common for grey leaf spot to show its head.

Other environment factors contribute to disease pressure including too much nitrogen or not enough nitrogen or other nutrients. This is where fungicides are here to help.

Fungicides can be used as a preventive to "prevent" the plant from getting a disease or curative to "cure" the plant of a current disease.

Check out our guide for the best products on each disease that shows up on tall fescue.


Links to products mentioned:



Cleary's 3336F


Pillar G